Using an Independent Expert Witness

How I work

Independent Expert

In this role, which covers most of my appointments, my paramount duty in providing written reports and giving evidence is to help the Court impartially and independently on my area of expertise and not as an advocate for any party. This duty overrides any obligation to the party by whom I am appointed. I must therefore seek to be completely unbiased in my analysis and findings. I maintain this independence with the utmost strictness as this protects the credibility of the process on all sides.


I am available to assist in an advocacy role, as an adviser to a case, using my decades of experience as a financial market practitioner. This is usually likely to occur in the early stages of a case and is sometimes known as being engaged as a ‘dirty expert’.

I may well be asked to continue with the case as an Independent Expert Witness, in which case I shall declare in my report the date at which I have become independent. This process may be helpful where I have the confidence of one or both sides in the case.

Single Expert

I may be appointed as an Independent Expert by both sides. The Courts like this process as it saves time in hearing the expert evidence and it is an economical route, as much of the work will only have to be covered once.

Litigation, Arbitration and Mediation

 I may be appointed as an Expert for any of these dispute resolution processes.


  1. Why do you need an Expert?
  1. To assist the Court, or it’s constituents in a specialist field of knowledge
  2. Help Court understand the issues
  3. Help you and other side understand the issues
  4. Strengthen your argument or weaken the other side
  5. Intimidate the other side
  6. Common law system is evidence based


See CV’s and resumes here.

How do you use an expert?

 They are:

  1. Unpredictable
  2. Opinionated
  3. Biased
  4. Knowledgeable
  5. Independent
  6. Analytical
  7. so you need the right Personality: calm, diligent, communicative…



See also this page for :

How to Appoint an Expert, My Commitments on Appointment, Preparing the Evidence, and the impact of Behavioural Finance – and bias.

PDF version of this page:  Using an expert


for further enquiries:;  +852 9244-6622



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About Richard

Richard Harris is a pioneer of the Asian Investment Management markets, with nearly 40 years experience. It is 46 years since he first arrived in Asia, within which he has 16 years in Europe. He has global multi-cultural contacts and a long-term financial professional… Learn More

What People Say…

“He is well versed in financial markets and regulation and a strong presenter and communicator of complex issues.”

– Simon Potter, CEO BoxRED BSP

“Richard has excellent insights into the markets and future trends. A true expert in his field.”

– Steven Freeland, Professor of International Law, Western Sydney University

“(Richard has a) discerning eye for other people’s gifts and talents… and in empowering them to perform at the highest level”

– Nicholas Appel, Principal, Global Metal Sources

“He is a dynamic leader and business builder; held in high regard by his peers.”

– Mark Mullan, Principal Origin8, San Francisco

“He is authoritative, articulate – and has a nice turn of phrase!”

– Bryan Curis, ex Head RTHK English; Bloomberg Radio Asia

“A man of great integrity with a wide network of contacts in Asia.”

– Chris Rollason, MD Stratagem Associates, Asia

“The Expert evidence came from Mr Richard Harris, who was both expert and independent”

– Mr Justic Coomaraswamy – Suit 322 of 2013 Singapore High Court. Public Document

“Richard is one of the most extensively experienced executives in asset and wealth management in Asia”

– Danny Howell, Managing Director, Head of Offshore Wealth