The Complete Package

by | May 11, 2015 | 0 comments

Establishing an independent multi-asset fund manager


Family Office in Hong Kong wanted to establish their investment operations independently to a high level of fiduciary responsibility so as to be able to accept money to manage from third party clients.


The substantial existing family funds had been allocated to different asset classes and run internally and conservatively (and successfully) for 15 years. However, few of the internal activities previously undertaken within the unregulated confines of the family office were considered to be at accepted industry-standard levels for running third-party money.


The investment philosophy and process were tightened and articulated. Investment research and training processes established, initiated morning meeting and closer monitoring of all global markets. Sales procedures developed and presentations prepared and practised against early client prospects. The back office/compliance was upgraded to industry-standard – a very big job. The investment structure was major concentration of effort in terms of clarifying its Cayman antecedents. I acted as Chief Investment Officer, responsible for portfolio performance/management and visited almost all of the 60+ portfolio holdings and commenced research on many others.


The firm was able to stand alone as an independent entity with all functions reviewed for fiduciary status. Investment performance when I was involved was very satisfactory in comparison with most investors that year.


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